Vendor Resources
Please click on the picture that best describes your business and fill out and submit your application.
You should use this application process if your products are:
Certified agricultural products such as fruits, nuts, vegetables, honey, cut flowers and potted plants/nursery stock in their natural, fresh, or raw state.
Dairy & Egg Farmers
You should use this application process if your products are:
Certified agricultural products are shell eggs and dairy products. These commodities also have additional licensing required quality controls and marketing purposes.
You should use this application process if your products are:
Processed/Cooked Food Products such as seafood for direct marketing purposes. These food items must be harvested by the person selling the item or their verified employee.
You should use this application process if your products are:
Artisan handcrafted items made with locally sources or recycled materials. These are not food items.
COVID Safety
All vendors are required to follow our COVID safety plan including physical distancing, mask wearing, and quarantining for fourteen days and until a negative test result is received after symptoms, positive test result, or direct exposure. We also ask that you follow CDC and FDA guidelines for farms or food preparation during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more about our safety plan here.